Journal of Applied Pharmacy

Journal of Applied Pharmacy
Open Access

ISSN: 1920-4159

+44 1300 500008

Journal of Applied Pharmacy : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Applied Pharmacy have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Applied Pharmacy has got h-index 19, which means every article in Journal of Applied Pharmacy has got 19 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Applied Pharmacy.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Total published articles

61 58 30 59 8 8 12 23 38 27 51 18 32 29

Research, Review articles and Editorials

1 7 12 43 7 1 11 22 33 27 51 18 32 26

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

41 51 18 16 1 7 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 3

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

109 213 224 232 246 191 171 164 143 78 86 53 23 11
Journal total citations count 1974
Journal impact factor 3.12
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.76
Journal cite score 5.79
Journal h-index 19
Journal h-index since 2019 14
Important citations (267)

Park jj, yoo kj, lee m, park j, park e, tark jy, lee s, shin c. research & reviews: journal of medical and health sciences.

Varol m. ros and oxidative stress in cancer: recent advances. drug targets in cellular processes of cancer: from nonclinical to preclinical models. 2020:109-38.

Varol m. darwinian principles toward multidrug-resistant cancer cells.

Aboulthana wm, youssef am, seif mm, osman nm, sahu rk, ismael m, el-baz ha, omar ni. comparative study between croton tiglium seeds and moringa oleifera leaves extracts, after incorporating silver nanoparticles, on murine brains. egyptian journal of chemistry. 2021 apr 1;64(4):1709-31.

Aboulthana wm, shousha wg, abdel-raouf e, essawy mh, salama ah. assessment of the anti-cancer efficiency of silver moringa oleifera leaves nano-extract against colon cancer induced chemically in rats. asian pacific journal of cancer prevention. 2017;22(10):3267-86.

Aboulthana wm, ibrahim ne, osman nm, seif mm, hassan ak, youssef am, el-feky am, madboli aa. evaluation of the biological efficiency of silver nanoparticles biosynthesized using croton tiglium l. seeds extract against azoxymethane induced colon cancer in rats. asian pacific journal of cancer prevention: apjcp. 2020 may;21(5):1369.

Shousha wg, aboulthana wm, salama ah, saleh mh, essawy ea. evaluation of the biological activity of moringa oleifera leaves extract after incorporating silver nanoparticles, in vitro study. bulletin of the national research centre. 2019 dec;43(1):1-3.

Waghmode av, narayankar cu, nimbalkar ms, gaikwad dk. exploration of fucoxanthin and astaxanthin in macro alga (sargassum sp.) by high-performance liquid chromatography.

Vidhyanandan lm, kumar sm, sukumaran st. algal metabolites and phyco-medicine. inplant metabolites: methods, applications and prospects 2020 (pp. 291-316). springer, singapore.

Batool a, menaa f. concentration and purification of seaweed components by chromatography methods. sustainable seaweed technologies. 2020 jan 1:315-70.

Khan m, ahmad f, koivisto jt, kellomäki m. green synthesis of controlled size gold and silver nanoparticles using antioxidant as capping and reducing agent. colloid and interface science communications. 2020 nov 1;39:100322.

Neto jj, de almeida ts, almeida filho lc, rocha tm, nogara pa, nogara kf, da rocha jb, leal lk, carvalho af. triplaris gardneriana seeds extract exhibits in vitro anti-inflammatory properties in human neutrophils after oxidative treatment. journal of ethnopharmacology. 2020 mar 25;250:112474.

Afaf oa, nivin s, abeer f. anti-diabetic effect of dried and germinated pearl millets grains on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. environ. sci. 2018;13(2):413-32.

Stefaniu a, pirvu l, albu b, pintilie l. molecular docking study on several benzoic acid derivatives against sars-cov-2. molecules. 2020 jan;25(24):5828.

Pandey s, kumar s. reactive extraction of gallic acid from aqueous solution with tri-n-octylamine in oleyl alcohol: equilibrium, thermodynamics and optimization using rsm-rccd. separation and purification technology. 2020 jan 16;231:115904.

Tanvir em, hasan ma, nayan si, islam t, ahmed t, hossen ms, perveen r, rahman s, afroz r, afroz r, chowdhury ma. ameliorative effects of ethanolic constituents of bangladeshi propolis against tetracycline?induced hepatic and renal toxicity in rats. journal of food biochemistry. 2019 aug;43(8):e12958.

Kumar ns, sarbon nm, rana ss, chintagunta ad, prathibha s, ingilala sk, kumar sj, anvesh bs, dirisala vr. extraction of bioactive compounds from psidium guajava leaves and its utilization in preparation of jellies. amb express. 2021 dec;11(1):1-9.

Badea m, di modugno f, floroian l, tit dm, restani p, bungau s, iovan c, badea ge, aleya l. electrochemical strategies for gallic acid detection: potential for application in clinical, food or environmental analyses. science of the total environment. 2019 jul 1;672:129-40.

Raghi kr, sherin dr, saumya mj, arun ps, sobha vn, manojkumar tk. computational study of molecular electrostatic potential, docking and dynamics simulations of gallic acid derivatives as abl inhibitors. computational biology and chemistry. 2018 jun 1;74:239-46.

Yilmaz ma. simultaneous quantitative screening of 53 phytochemicals in 33 species of medicinal and aromatic plants: a detailed, robust and comprehensive lc–ms/ms method validation. industrial crops and products. 2020 jul 1;149:112347.
