ISSN: 1314-3344
Mini Review - (2024)Volume 14, Issue 3
This article presents the mathematical foundation for calculating PD's (Probability Distributions) for some set of phases {ϕh} needed for the structure determination of a crystal. We can obtain PD's of the phases that can contain N or without N. A former paper could only obtain PD's of the phases containing N. Here we have the two possibilities.
Random variable; Reciprocal vectors; Binomial distribution; Infinite number; Phase
In a short review was given of the old probabilistic DM (Direct Methods) way for calculating phase distributions [1].
There were two mathematical approaches see (A) and (B) below
(A): The basic R.V.’s (Random Variables) are the set of the that are distributed independently and uniformly over the asymmetric unit (we consider in this paper only P1) and one studies the normalized structure factors
And one calculates the probabilities of the phases
(B): The basic R.V.’s are the reciprocal vectors h that are distributed uniformly and independently over reciprocal space and one keeps the Xiconstant. This method can give algebraic equations as follows: One can study the structure factors
and we consider only h as the basic reciprocal vector and one keeps k fixed. The B3,0 formula is an equation obtained this way. Although this equation gives the value of
in theory, in practice this equation is wrong for high N, which is due to accidental overlap of the xi which invalidates the calculation of the joint probabilities of
Even when one calculates the joint probabilities
where h and k are the basic R.V.’s one must assume no accidental overlap of the xi (which becomes a problem for high N.). The calculation of joint probabilities gives then the same results as in (A) above.
(C): Using method (A) one can derive the probability of the cosine invariant
It follows that this formula
Loses predictive power for high N.
Cannot predict negative cosines.
The probabilities of quartets, quintets, etc. are even worse since they are of order of 1/N (for quartets), of order (for quintets), etc. (Although one can get a quartet formula that theoretically predicts negative cosines for the quartet (but again with too low predictive power)). At the end of the twentieth century nobody was busy anymore with calculating prob-abilistic phase distributions using one of the methods (A) or (B). For the calculations of structures with high N (N being here the number of independent non-H atoms in the asymmetric unit), one began to devise methods in direct space to solve crystal structures. One uses an automatic cyclical process: (a): Phase refinement (for instance with the use of the (modified) tangent formula) in reciprocal space and; (b): With the imposition in real space of physically meaningful constraints through an atomic interpretation of the electron density, with minimization of a well-chosen FOM (Figure Of Merit) of the phases. One of these methods in DM is known as the SnB (Shake and Bake) algorithm with N 1200 [2,3]; Another is the twin variables approach with
Sir2000 the successor of SIR97 and SIR99 although different from SnB: (e.g. triplet invariants via the P10 formula with
Another interesting result is the solution of a crystal when a substructure is known where N may become higher [4-9]. For an overview of DM before the year 2000 we refer to Giacovazzo [10].
(D): In order to circumvent these problems one approach might be to consider R.V.’s (xi)that are no longer independent neither uniformly distributed, say a dependence through a positive distribution
One can give such distributions by using the functions
But then one encounters insurmountable mathematical difficulties.
The solution is to not consider the xi as R.V.’s anymore but to replace by a field
and to sample the field over the allowable function space. What we shall discuss here is a novel way for doing DM (Direct Methods).
(E): Differences with our approach
• We shall be able to solve any structure (any N) ab initio.
• Much lower CPU time.
• Let then with our approach we can easily calculate the probability distribution of
for any h. No need to compute all possible triplets.
• Easy to incorporate any given substructure.
• Easy to calculate the PD’s (Probability Distributions) of phases: One only needs to take derivatives.
In this paper we shall give the mathematical basis that is necessary for this completely new DM approach. This approach is not mathematically as simple as in (A) and (B) but it is perfectly doable. It consists in using the atomic distribution function (x) as the basic random variable. The method will also be based on a functional integration over the random variable and using a nonstandard fuzzy approach wherein Dirac delta functions (among which a novel delta function representation for angle variables) are replaced by nonstandard fuzzy delta functions. To show the strength of the method, a simple formula was given in Brosius for the distribution of the triplet phase formula of the form
Where A is a function depending (not on N!) on the structure factors of the first neighborhood of the triplet [1].
In this paper a more profound mathematical foundation of our DM approach is given and this will be a major improvement compared to Brosius [1]. Recall that the sampling is done over positive functions (in the space group P1) and that the R.V.’s that we study are the phases
which are defined by the relation
Where is a R.V. defined by
and from now on we shall use the notations
One then needs to define a probability density on the sample space ρ's We build up
by fuzzy Dirac delta functions in 4 steps
Through constraints of the form by using fuzzy Dirac delta’s
(εa positive infinitesimal).
Next through maximization: Adding obvious terms to where
that cannot be added by using a constraint, like e.g. the term.
Eventually we add fermionic terms to z, like e.g.
By imposing the mathematical requirement on the basic R.V. ρ that the different atoms in the unit cell of the crystal repel each other.
The idea is that if one would consider a function for which it is known that
whenever xi equals some xj, this can be done by requiring that
is antisymmetric antisymmetric xi, that is
Inspired by modern QFT (Quantum Field Theory) we replace by an antisymmetric (fermionic) field
with the property
giving thus
The added benefit is then that the different xi will repel each other. Now one has two basic R.V.’s: ρ and ψ and we must integrate over ρ and ψ.
One can also sample over the set of Gaussian (normal) distributions by using the substitution
where represents the true electronic distribution and
is the laplacian of f at the point x.
As in QFT, D (x, y) is called the propagator from the point y to x. Using constraints we shall see that the first candidate for D (x,y) is Q(x–y) where Q is the origin-removed Patterson function defined here by
This propagator depends on N since
Notations and formulas
A without subscript stands for some infinite positive number.
is the inverse of the kernel operator Q(x–y)
The phase random variable is defined by
denotes the atomic distribution and the function ρ is our basic R.V.
The functional integral
The constants. We define the constants
by the series
The bn;m constants, defined by
Our representation of for an angle
We then define the fuzzy nonstandard function by
For real x (not an angle) we define the nonstandard fuzzy by
for positive infinitesimal ε, and for complex
For some set H of reciprocal vectors we define
and sometimes we simply write
We use the explicit definition of the functional derivative by
; Where
Some vector calculus: (f, g: vector valued functions, h a scalar function)
Recall that in three dimensions
Preliminary knowledge
For an introduction on nonstandard theory we refer to Diener et al. and for a more advanced text see Nelson [13,14].
Nonstandard theory: Standard numbers are the known numbers: the other numbers are the nonstandard real numbers which make up the field R. It is important to observe that there are an infinity of infinite numbers in R that are greater than any standard real number. Also there are an infinity of infinitesimals ε in R for which the absolute value |ε| is less than any positive standard number in R. From the axioms it follows that for every positive infinitesimal
is a positive infinite number and vice versa. Note that an infinite number is different from
In this paper we use A to denote an infinite positive number and ε will always denote (unless explicitly noted otherwise) a positive infinitesimal
will denote a function that associates a positive infinitesimal with every position x in the unit cell
We will use this function in our fuzzy Dirac delta.
We shall use the notation
when we deal with angle variables.
Anticommuting variables: In a detailed exposition of anticommuting numbers is given [1]. In this subsection we shall only expose the bare minimum needed to read this paper. For more information, we refer to Weinberg, Siegel, Kuzenko et al. and for a more mathematical treatment to Bruhat et al. and deWitt [15-19].
One starts with a set of anticommuting numbers θλ:
From this follows that every even product of such anticommuting numbers is commuting Also one adds the axiom:
Then the algebra
is defined as the set of all finite sums of products.
When M is even, this is a commuting number (also called even) and when it is odd it is an anticommuting number (also called odd). Sums of such products with even M do commute and are called even, and with odd M these sums are anticommuting and are called odd. Every z∈C is also even. It follows that every is a sum
with β even and γ odd.
An involution defined such that,
is odd when
is odd and even when otherwise. One calls
is odd when α is odd and even when otherwise. One calls ψ or ψx an odd function of x if ψx is odd for every x. It then follows that
is even. Then the derivative
with respect to the anticommuting variable θ is defined by
A function of an odd variable θ has the simple form
(Taylor expansion), (here a is odd when f is odd, and even otherwise, but b has the opposite statistics of f). This can be generalized for a function
of N anti-commuting variables: The coefficients of even products in the expansion of the θi have the same statistics as f, whereas the coefficients of uneven products have the opposite statistics. Next one defines the integration
and the multiple integration
It is also convenient to define θ as an odd element:
Also the following formulas are important
Note that the set of all odd numbers has vanishing volume
The four determinants are listed below. The following Theoremes are:
Theorem 1: Let M be an matrix n×n– matrix. Then
where by definition
Proof develop
the theorem follows.
The continuous version is as follows. Let be an anticommuting variable for every X in the unit cell. Then,
where one has defined
Theorem 2: Suppose now that the inverse M–1 exists and be an anticommuting variable for every X. Then
Proof let
Then transform
and substitute this in Then using the relation
The minus sign arises from the observation that in
Indeed, note that
The probability functional
We shall show that we can obtain the following probability function (H is some set of reciprocal vectors) given by
where is given, up to a phase unimportant constant, by
where denotes chemical information or an intermediate iteration of ρ.
will be the basic operator for all our
First we need the following theorem:
Theorem 3: Let be a functional of
such that
where A is a positive infinite number and p an integer ≥1. If we impose the constraint
where F has the property that
Then if we define the action functional (where c>0 is a constant) Then
(where wF>…. (10)
For a sequence of such will become (if we drop the constant
Proof we impose this constraint by
Since is independent of the ϕ,h one can drop it in the above exponent. Next change
and choose
one obtains
since (infinitesimal). Also under the change
integral volume
So finally ( after replacing
(if we drop the constant
Theorem 4:One can write
where from now on is included
convenience, with parameters
and use the Dirac
where we defined such that
• The R.V. was defined by
Then the probability distribution of is generated by the expression
But, (when A is infinite and positive)
After the transformation obtain the result
where For convenience, from now on, we shall include
• Next use Then
• For every we impose the constraint
Then, according to theorem 1 above, one has
Next note that there is a phase unimportant peak and define Q by
Then if one chooses the positive function
One can also add other terms to For example consider the triplet expression
Impose now the constraint Since
is constant in the phases we can write according to the basic theorem
where One can also do the same for quartets, quintets and so on. Next impose for the triplet, the constraint.
Note that Important, from now on we shall treat all weights
the same: We shall not distinguish between the different measurements
The same will be true for The same is true for the
But we shall not consider triplet terms of order
in this paper. So now we have arrived at
This propagator Dx,y does not depend anymore on In the sequel we shall simply say: “does not depend anymore on N”. It is better than
Indeed to see this we can write
This last expression becomes very low whenever x-y is not an interatomic vector since then and thus
and thus
That is demoting such a ρ. We recall that we have also
Recall that In order to see what this new propagator can offer let us look at Qx.
Qx is an N-sum of gaussian functions. Let us consider one of them, say For sake of convenience we take now
and we consider the one dimensional case
Thus at x=0 we see that
times larger than
which is very large since σ is very small. The function
then drops very fast to zero at
after which it remains negative, attains a negative minimum and then goes fast to
Also there is exactly one large negative minimum in the range
Exactly as discussed
for a ρ for which
at one of these minima. For
we get Because of the differentiation
does not depend on N
Note, This
can also be used; Then there are no negative minima, but in order to make it N independent, one has to follow the procedure used in
That is we must subtract the term
in the Fourier expansion of
to get a new propagator that is N-independent:
Let d be the maximum distance of all where
is the nearest neighbour of
Then we can obviously replace the
is the characteristic function of the sphere
in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. Thus
If we know d we can then improve the phase densi- ties
When ξ is a given chemical information (be it a submodel or an intermediate state ofduring iteration) then we can derive a new propagator, with notation
Indeed if we look at the term
it is clear that we can consider an (improved) term
and replace
with the latter term. For instance if
when and
are interatomic vectors; This is a stronger restriction on than merely the condition
Now if
is a submodel of then we can also replace
and obtain again a term of order by replacing
by the stronger condition (on ρ )
But now also
changes to
Indeed, in
we can replace
where now
(Remark that
is symmetric whenever
and we replace b by another parameter f. Hence for a given submodel ξ we can now write a better
Example: We can always place the origin of the asymmetric unit wherever we want, i.e. we can always suppose that one atomic vector, say a, is given. This means that at least we can always use the chemical information. Then we get
Now we can show that with this we can directly calculate the density of the phase invariant.
instead of simply
Indeed consider the functional (where we
Next we do the functional change of variables: where
Then the Jacobian is the inverse of the determinant of the matrix
which is not dependent
and Defining the phase invariant
and considering the case that interests us most we can write now
Where now
Remark: is indeed a phase invariant because under a translation of the origin
and thus
under this translation which shows that
is indeed a phase invariant. For the reciprocal vectors
we can write
So we can write the phase invariant
The case for general ξ: Let then
and consider
Then we apply the same functional change
and we then get for
Note: From now on we shall always write instead of
instead of
A fermionic action functional and a new
One knows that the different atoms in the unit cell repel each other. So, our random variable ρ should be chosen in such a way that the different peaks of ρ(x) spread over the unit cell and repel each other. This can be treated by considering ρ as an antisymmetric (fermionic) field written now as ψ. Then, following the treatment of QFT (Quantum Field Theory) [15], we replace.
Remark that will be replaced by
which must be even and hermitian. So
where I is the identity operator and we now replace
We then get (where is the inverse of the operator
since det does not depend on the and since
for a matrix
We can write
Then using
A fermionic action functional and a new
Since does not depend on the
we can dismiss it in equation (38). Next continue with the case and
and we define
Then for
To get some idea let’s consider the simpler case but still
Then the inverse of Q, i.e. Q-1reads
Where we omitted a term in equation (40) that does not depend on ϕh. In equation (40) we have used the identities
Finally, for we get (omitting the terms that don’t depend on
The terms are of higher order in f and c. So we see that we obtain in this way a probability of the form
and thus
Equation (41) shows that for this model it is advantageous to choose f=c and then to use c for convergence considerations. For example, Equation (42) is then valid up to
We can extend the above model and study instead the model with action.
To calculate then the functional integral we use the following trick.
If we then define
where the choice is clear and where we choose
and invertible to make calculations easier
Let us define
The it can be shown that contains exactly all the connected diagrams of
[1,15,16]. It is beyond the scope of this article to talk more about diagrams, but we shall discuss it together with the solution in a future paper.
Averaging over gaussian distributions ρ
So far we have been averaging over all positive But what if we want to average only over gaussian ρ functions? The solution is the functional change of variables
is the true atomic distribution; This substitution is good if we don’t care about N-dependence, if we don’t want N-dependence we should instead consider
That is
where is a positive function, our new random variable.
Since and thus also
is about the true density they are completely determined by the phases
In this way we will get a probability distribution of all
Then the “volume” element
, that is
This can be calculated but we can avoid this added complexity if we remark that we could have started from the very beginning by using instead of ρ the more complex form that is we replace
and so on. Replacing next the symbol
we then get
etc. In this way the former is now describing “point” particles. However, the whole use of functional integrals in QFT is to describe interactions among point particles. So we do not know if it is worth doing averages over those Gaussian “point” particles.
We close this remark by giving two representations of the δ function. One is to represent by a gaussian with infinitesimal variance. The other very interesting representation is
In our case it reads
We can then first integrate over ρ and after that perform the integration over k, which is much easier.
Maximality with constraints
We saw in the foregoing sections that we had to maximize Let us analyze this further. We shall now start with
We will maximize this with the constraints
for all
Next observe that
We then use the method of Langrangian multipliers. Put now
The minus signs in equation (51) have been chosen so as to use later on the more general “KKT- multipliers”) and find the solutions for which
is maximal (critical), that is solve the equations
Next observe that
Since has now become redundant, we replace
in equation (51). We can also add inequality constraints for ρ
In this case the multipliers multipliers (KKT stands for Karush- Kuhn-Tucker). And we have a dependence
now on
It follows from the above equation that we can impose (we suppose in this paper that friedel’s law is valid, that is and
We use the notation to denote the transpose of A, and then
We have to solve
We find
This gives (using ρ* instead of ρ)
and thus
Next we develop [16]
Then we can write if we choose a to be great and b small (a>>b)
or if we choose a small and
Since we prefer to use the easier instead of
we shall in this paper proceed with the development of equation (64). Then for a>>b we find
Next will give
From follows
From the equations (67,68) we derive the values of αp and βp as functions of f and b. From these results and equation (69) we derive the value of f as a function b. We now see that are of order
. If we would derive the value for b with the condition
then we will also see that b is of order
which gives a problem since we started with the assumption (a>>b)
For this reason, we shall not impose the condition The bare minimum is the calculation of all the Lagrange multipliers
and one or more Lagrange multipliers
All the multipliers depend strongly on the phase invariants
The situation becomes even more interesting if one now calculates
and this is good news. We think that this last model is very exciting (perhaps it can even be used to construct the exact ρ from any given ξ). We will study all this in a separate paper.Now
can be written in a short way as
Since and moreover one can verify easily that
is a constant in ρ.
To calculate a probability distribution prob for some phase
one chooses one of the models discussed in this paper and also some
of reciprocal vectors containing h. Then one calculates
according to the chosen model. After that one calculates the marginal distribution
Always choose structural information ξ e.g. the fixing of the origin
All models should lead to the solution of the phase problem.
In a future paper (II) we shall study in detail all different models but especially the fermionic model and the one of maximality with constraints. Especially we shall discuss the most general fermionic model and we shall talk about the technique of the diagrams to calculate
For the very interesting model of maximality with constraints we shall also add the KKT condition with some KKT multiplier
Finally, in a last paper (III or IV) we shall test the theory on simulated crystal structures.
We shall also discuss which strategy to use in case of available space group information. Our paper treated only the space P1 (satisfying Friedel’s law). Our use of functional integration and calculus is much more powerful than the other methods of phase determination, be it probabilistic or direct space methods and is valid for any number N of atoms. We shall also try to discuss models for which the formulas will depend N.
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Citation: Brosius J, Brosius W (2024) Probability Distributions of Phases I. Math Eter. 14:226.
Received: 11-Jun-2024, Manuscript No. ME-24-31944 ; Editor assigned: 14-Jun-2024, Pre QC No. ME-24-31944 (PQ); Reviewed: 01-Jul-2024, QC No. ME-24-31944 ; Revised: 08-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. ME-24-31944 (R); Published: 15-Jul-2024 , DOI: 10.35248/1314-3344.24.14.226
Copyright: © 2024 Brosius J, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.