Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective
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Research Article - (2022)Volume 11, Issue 3

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment with Income, Health and Safety of Employees Perceptions: At Puducherry Region Private Limited Companies

K Karthikeyan*
*Correspondence: K Karthikeyan, Department of Commerce, School of Arts and Science, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Email:

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This study highlights the Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions at Puducherry Region Private Limited Companies. The Impact of COVID-19 is measured by the four different dimensions, i.e. Employment and Income, Health and Safety of employee’s perceptions. The study aims to investigate the Impact of COVID-19 to employees and to find significant difference between the demographic variables and factors of employment and income, health and safety of employee’s perceptions. The research was conducted in five top private companies in Puducherry region in which 125 respondents are chosen who working the companies. The researchers used a standard questionnaire as the primary tool for data collection and data were analysed by mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test, independed sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The study revealed that the salary and job during COVID-19 pandemic period the companies are given alternative day’s job and salary to the employees. Regarding the health of employee during the COVID-19 pandemic period they arranged medical camp and healthy working environment. The overall perception of employees during COVID-19 pandemic period the companies are performed is average level.


COVID-19; Employment; Income; Safety and healthy; Employees


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face [1]. (WHO)

The world of work is being profoundly affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions [2]. The ILO and its constituents- Governments, workers and employers-will play a crucial role in combating the outbreak, ensuring the safety of individuals and the sustainability of businesses and jobs. (International Labour Organisation)

Union territory of puducherry and industries

The Union Territory of Puducherry comprises the former French establishments of Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam, which lie scattered in South India. Puducherry, the capital of the Territory was once the original headquarters of the French in India, is situated on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal and is about 135 kms from Chennai. It is bounded on the east by the Bay of Bengal and on the three sides by Tamil Nadu about 130 kms south of Puducherry on the East Coast lies Karaikal. Mahe is situated on the Malabar coast on the Western Ghats surrounded by Kerala and is about 70 kms from Calicut. Yanam is situated adjoining the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh and is about 200 kms from Visakhapatnam. The main languages spoken here are Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, English and French.

All the regions of Puducherry were under the French rule for 138 years. On November 1, 1954, the French possessions in India were de facto transferred to the Indian Union and became a Union Territory. But only in 1963, Puducherry became officially an integral part of India. Pondicherry is a peaceful city. It is referred by names such as ‘Quintessence of French Culture’, ‘India’s Little France’ and ‘The French Riviera of the East’. Still it has the French flavor in it as one can see by the grand colonial mansions, beautiful boulevards, and placid promenades, spellings on sign boards and buildings, names of roads and public places (Tables 1 and 2).

Depth (cm) Horizon Particle size (%) Textural Class Silt/Clay *BD
 (g cm-3)
TP (%) Water content
    Sand Silt Clay         FC (%) PWP (%) AWHC (mm m-1)
0-25 H1 11 38 51 Clay-loam 0.75 1.14 56.98 42 27 128
25-55 H2 13 37 50 Clay-loam 0.74 1.23 53.58 39 25 125
55-80 H3 15 40 45 Clay-loam 0.89 1.27 52.07 37 22 123.6
80-115 H4 15 52 33 Silty-loam 1.58 1.26 52.45 37 22 123.6
115-155 H5 45 30 25 Sandy- loam 1.2 1.21 50.34 29 16 110.5
155-200 H6 54.6 26.4 19 Sandy loam 1.39 1.16 51.98 25 14 109
Composite surface (0-30 cm) soil samples before planting (from experimental nearby profile)
Block 1 - 11 38 51 Clay-loam 0.75 - - - - -
Block 2 - 12 37 49 Clay-loam 0.76 - - - - -
Block 3 - 11 39 50 Clay-loam 0.78 - - - - -
Block 4 - 11 38 51 Clay-loam 0.75 - - - - -
Block 5 - 13 37 50 Clay-loam 0.74 - - - - -
Block 6 - 12 37 49 Clay-loam 0.76 - - - - -
Mean   12 38 50 Clay-loam 0.76 - - - - -

Table 1: Selected physical properties of the soil profile and composite surface soil samples of the study area.

S.No Head Puducherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam Total
1 No. of Small Scale Industries (Nos.) 6964 1086 249 400 8699
2 No. of Medium Scale Industries (Nos.) 178 4 0 8 190
3 No. of Large Scale 61 12 1 3 77
4 Investment (Rs.lakh) 221387 46729 803 10966 279885
5 Sugar factories (Nos.) 2 0 0 0 2
6 Textile Mills 5 2 1 0 8

Table 2: Industries at a Glance 2014-15.


Prithivi and Thilagaraj “A Study on impact of COVID in work life balance of employees in Chennai” the study attempted to investigate various other factors affecting work life balance when employees are obligated to mandatorily work from home. The study collected 60 respondents who are working from home during pandemic period. The result shows that there is negative impact in the work life balance of the employees. Accordingly the employees are the one who determines the company’s growth should be given the desired environment to enhance their job satisfaction [3].

Kologiannidis, the study entitled “COVID Impact on Small Business” the research focus on COVID-19 impact in human lives and economics, during COVID lockdown and restrictions taken as measures by the government to stop the spread of the coronavirus are responsible to shut down much small business permanently. The result found that impact of the pandemic on the small business and employees have changed the overall business polices facing economic imbalance.

Objectives of the study

The following are the important objectives of the present study.

• To study the Socio-Economic status of the employees in Puducherry Region.

• To study the employees perceptions towards Income and Employment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period in Puducherry Region.

• To study the employees perceptions towards Safety and Healthy working environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period in Puducherry Region.

Hypothesis of the study

The following are the hypothesis framed by the researcher

H01: Opinion regarding Statements on COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety are equal to Average level.

H02: There is no significant difference between Male and Female with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

H03: There is no significant difference between Single and Married with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

H04: There is no significant difference between among Age group with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

This study based both primary data and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through Interview schedule with private industries employees in Puducherry region and secondary sources of data were collected through books, journals, magazines and related websites. This study has chosen five top private companies employees in Puducherry region. A random sample method was adopted to select 125 respondents who are worked in companies. In order to understand the pattern of employment and income, safety and health and socio-economic characteristics of the employees, descriptive statistics and percentage analysis was used. Statistical techniques like one sample t-test, independed sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were also used to analyse the socio economic characteristic with Employment and Income, Health and Safety of employee’s perception of COVID-19 pandemic period [4].

Results and Discussion

Analysis and interpretation

The present section seeks to examine the socio economic characteristic of respondent’s private industries in Puducherry region. The socio economic characteristic of respondents which includes followings: age, qualification, family size, marital status, monthly income, the data pertains to the selected 125 samples employees in private companies in Puducherry region.

Demographic profile of employees in private industries: The study shows the Demographic status of respondents was analysed in the study area and results are presented in the following Table 3.

No. Demographic variable Frequency Percentage (%)
1.        Gender of Respondents Male 89 71.2
Female 36 28.8
Total 125 100%
2.        Age of the Respondents Below 30  years 35 28
31 - 35 years 42 33.6
36 -  40 years 27 21.6
41 - 45 years 9 7.2
Above 45 years 12 9.6
Total 125 100%
3.        Place of Residence Urban 105 84
Rural 20 16
Total 125 100%
4.        Marital Status of the Respondents Unmarried 44 35.2
Married 81 64.8
Total 125 100%
5.        Whether Spouse is Working (Married 81) Yes 58 71.6
No 23 28.4
Total 81 100%
6.        Family Structure Nuclear 79 84
Joint-Family 46 16
Total 125 100%
7.        Educational status of Respondents Upto Higher Secondary 67 53.6
Upto UG level 47 37.6
Upto PG level 11 8.8
Total 125 100%
8.        Designation of the Respondents Labour 52 41.6
Office management 70 56
Managers and Heads 3 2.4
Total 125 100%
9.        Number of years working Below 5 years 48 38..4
5-10 years 47 37.6
10 years above 30 24
Total 125 100%
10.        Monthly Income of the Respondents Less than Rs. 15,000 94 75.2
Rs. 15,001 – Rs. 30,000 27 21.6
Rs. 30,001 – Rs. 45,000 3 2.4
More than Rs. 45,000 1 0.8
Total 125 100%

Table 3: Demographic status of respondents.

Gender of Respondents: The Gender plays a major role in the study because mostly income discrimination is based on gender of the respondents, in this study shown that 71.2 percent is Male and meager 28.8 percent are female.

Age of respondents: During the pandemic period COVID 19 the age plays important factor because the aged respondents are fear to continue the job. The research shown 33.6 percent of respondents are “31 to 35 years”, 28.0 percent is “Below 30 years”, 21.6 percent employee is “36 to 40 years” and meagerly the age group of “Above 45 years” and “41 to 45 years” is 9.6 percent and 7.2 percent respectively.

Residence status of respondents: In this research the place of Residence will change Income and Employment opportunity of the respondents. The study revealed that 84.0 percent of respondents are living in urban areas and remaining 16.0 percent of respondents are belongs to rural areas.

Marital status of respondent: The Marital Status of the respondents has influence in income and expenditure of employee. The Article shows that 64.8 percent of respondents are married and remaining 35.2 percent of employees are unmarried.

Spouse working status of respondents: The spouse worked status will influence in the income of respondents. The research found spouse working status of the respondents in that 71.6 percent of respondents are working and 28.4 per cent of respondents spouse are not working.

Family structure of respondents: Number of Family member plays an important in income and expenditure of respondents. The article shows 84 percent of respondents are living in nuclear family and remaining 16 percent of employees living in jointfamily.

Educational status of respondent: The income and employment opportunity is based on the education status of respondents. The analysis revealed that 53.6 percent of respondents are studied upto higher secondary level and 37.6 percent of respondents are studied upto UG level of education. Meager 8.80 percent of respondents are studied upto PG level.

Designation of respondents: The Designation is plays an important role for retain the job during the COVID-19. The result found that 56.60 percent of respondents are working as an Office management like Accountant, front office work, some other official work. The 41.6 percent of respondents are working as labour and very less percent of respondents are working as a Managers and Heads (2.4 percent).

Working experience of respondents: During the COVID-19 working experience and un-experience workers job opportunities were differs. The research shows that 38.4 percent of respondents are having below five years of experiences and 37.6 percent of respondents are having five to ten years of working experiences. The 10 years above working experience employees is 24 percent.

Monthly income of respondents: The most of company’s income was affected due COVID-19 restrictions. So the employee’s income was also affected. The research found that 75.2 percent of respondents are getting less than Rs. 15,000 and 21.6 percent are getting Rs. 15,001 to Rs. 30000. The monthly income of respondents are getting Rs. 30,001 to Rs. 45,000 is 2.4 percent. Meager 0.8 percent of employees are getting more than Rs. 45,000 of monthly income.

Employees perception towards the Statements of COVID-19 pandemic period on Employment and Income, Health and Safety.

The above Table 4 discusses the Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period, the employees opinion that highest mean score is 4.08 in the statement of “My company provides alternative days of working during COVID-19 pandemic period with salary” and least mean score of 3.78 in the statement of “I am getting fully salary in my job during COVID-19”.

No. Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period SA % A % N % DA % SDA % Total % Mean Std. Dev.
1.        I am getting fully salary in my job during COVID-19 4.8 5.6 33.6 18.4 37.6 100 3.78 1.154
2.        My company provides alternative days of working during COVID-19 pandemic period with salary. 2.4 7.2 20.8 19.2 50.4 100 4.08 1.104
3.        Salary in my institution is  good as most of other institutions offer during COVID-19 4 12.8 16.8 24.8 41.6 100 3.87 1.205
4.        Special Compensation during COVID-19 5.6 13.6 19.2 16.8 44.8 100 3.82 1.291

Table 4: Getting adequate salary during COVID-19 pandemic period.

The above Table 5 discusses the Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period, the employees opinion that highest mean score is 2.30 in the statement of “My company provided alternative days employment during COVID-19 pandemic period” and least mean score of 1.93 in the statement of “My company provided regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period”.

No. Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period SA % A % N % DA % SDA % Total % Mean Std. Dev.
1.        My company provided regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period. 42.4 30.4 20 6.4 0.8 100 1.93 0.977
2.        My company provided alternative days employment during COVID-19 pandemic period. 32.8 32 16 11.2 8 100 2.3 1.257
3.        My company didn’t provide Job during COVID-19 pandemic period. 44.8 24.8 19.2 8.8 2.4 100 1.99 1.103
4.        My company purposely dismisses from Job during COVID-19 pandemic period. 34.4 27.2 19.2 13.6 5.6 100 2.29 1.23

Table 5: Getting regular job during COVID-19 pandemic period.

The above Table 6 discusses the Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, the employees opinion that highest mean score is 3.79 in the statement of “My company provide proper place for keeping the social distance during the COVID-19 Pandemic period” and least mean score of 3.14 in the statement of “It is easy to get safety equipments (Mask, Sanitizer, Hand gloves) in our company”.

No. Getting Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period SA % A % N % DA % SDA % Total % Mean Std. Dev.
1.        It is easy to get safety equipments (Mask, Sanitizer, Hand gloves) in our company 13.6 17.6 24 30.4 14.4 100 3.14 1.262
2.        Companies are provided with proper facilities like, separate Department, furniture & other facilities 8.8 14.4 19.2 18.4 39.2 100 3.65 1.358
3.        My company provide proper place for keeping the social distance during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 4 12.8 21.6 23.2 38.4 100 3.79 1.2
4.        The working condition of my working place is conductive 8 19.2 20 16.8 36 100 3.54 1.359

Table 6: Getting safety environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period.

The above Table 7 discusses the Healthy working Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, the employee’s opinion that highest mean score is 3.23 in the statement of “Company is arranged medical camp during COVID19.” and least mean score of 2.54 in the statement of “Availability of Hygienic toilets and rest rooms” and same mean score (3.11) for the statements of “My institution has a healthy environment” and “Clean drinking water facilities”.

No. Getting Healthy working Environment  during the COVID-19 Pandemic period SA % A % N % DA % SDA % Total % Mean Std. Dev.
1.        My institution has a healthy environment 11.2 17.6 33.6 24 13.6 100 3.11 1.186
2.        Company is arranged medical camp during COVID19. 8.8 15.2 37.6 20.8 17.6 100 3.23 1.172
3.        Clean drinking water facilities 11.2 22.4 27.2 22.4 16.8 100 3.11 1.252
4.        Availability of Hygienic toilets & rest rooms 24 28.8 24 16 7.2 100 2.54 1.222

Table 7: Getting healthy working environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period.

Hypothesis testing

H01: Opinion regarding Statements on COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety are equal to Average level.

In the above Table 8, since P Value is less than 0.01, the null hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significance with regard to all the COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions. Hence the opinion regard to all the statement on COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions is not equal to average level. Based on mean score, opinion regard to all the statement of COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions is above average level. The reasons behind all the respondents are got average level of Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

S.No. Statements on COVID -19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions Mean SD t value P value
1.        Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period 15.55 4.165 33.695 < 0.001**
2.        Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period 8.5 3.676 16.742 < 0.001**
3.        Getting Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 14.12 4.282 29.037 < 0.001**
4.        Getting Healthy working Environment  during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 11.99 3.636 27.652 < 0.001**
5.        Overall Employees Perceptions 50.17 10.37 50.856 < 0.001**

Table 8: T-test for specified value (Average=3) of statements on COVID-19 pandemic on employment and income, health and safety of employees perceptions.

H02: There is no significant difference between Male and Female with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

In the above Table 9, there is no significance difference between male and female employees with regard to all Statements of COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions, since P vale is greater than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level with regard to Statements of Employees perceptions. The reasons behind this all are employees are equal treated during the COVID-19 pandemic periods.

Employment and income, health and safety of employees perceptions in COVID-19 Gender t value P value
Male Female
Mean SD Mean SD
Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period 15.69 4.22 15.22 4.065 0.561 0.575
Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period 8.66 3.846 8.11 3.232 0.759 0.449
Getting Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 13.98 4.269 14.47 4.352 0.583 0.561
Getting Healthy working Environment  during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 12.18 3.585 11.53 3.768 0.907 0.366
Overall Employees Perceptions 50.51 10.719 49.33 9.544 0.571 0.596

Table 9: T-test for significant difference between male and female with respect to getting employment and income, health and safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

H03: There is no significant difference between Single and Married with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

In the above Table 10, since the P value is 0.05, null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level with regard to Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period. Hence there is significance difference between Single and Married employees with regard to the factors of Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period. Based on mean score, the unmarried employees have better opinion in the salary during the COVID-19 pandemic period than married employees because the commitment of unmarred employees is very less.

Employment and income, health and safety of employees perceptions in COVID-19 Marital Status t value P value
Single Married
Mean SD Mean SD
Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period 16.45 3.302 15.06 4.509 1.972 0.051**
Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period 7.84 3.341 8.86 3.817 1.494 0.138*
Getting Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 14.2 4.055 14.07 4.424 0.162 0.872
Getting Healthy working Environment  during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 12.5 3.688 11.72 3.599 1.153 0.251
Overall Employees Perceptions 51 8.876 49.72 11.123 0.66 0.511

Table 10: T-test for significant difference between single and married with respect to getting employment and income, health and safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

Since the P value is 0.10, null hypothesis is rejected at 10% level with regard to Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period. Hence there is significance difference between Single and Married employees with regard to the factors of Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period. Based on mean score, the unmarried employees have better opinion in the regular during the COVID-19 pandemic period than married employees because the unmarried employees give more production compare to married employees.

There is no significance difference between single and married employees with regard to Getting Safety Environment and Healthy working Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, since P vale is greater than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level with regard to Getting Safety Environment and Healthy working Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period because the married are easily adopted the all environment compare to unmarried because the want safety and healthy working environment [5].

H04: There is no significant difference between among Age group with respect to getting Employment and Income, Health and Safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

In the above Table 11, since P Value is less than 0.10, null hypothesis is rejected at 10% level with regard to the entire factors of COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions. Hence there is significance difference among age group in year’s employees with regard to entire factors of COVID-19 pandemic on Employment and Income, Health and Safety of Employees perceptions.

Employment and income, health and safety of employees perceptions in
Age group F value P value
Below 30 31-35 36-40 41-45 Above 45
Getting Adequate Salary during COVID-19 pandemic period 16.54a 16.07a 14.26a 13.78 a 15.08 a 1.801 .133*
-3.63 -3.92 -4.28 -5.61 -4.46
Getting Regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period 7.37 a 9.10 a 9.44 a 7.33 a 8.50 a 1.819 .129*
-3.43 -3.61 -4.2 -2.87 -3.26
Getting Safety Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 13.26 a 15.48 a 14.26 a 12.56 a 12.75 a 2.095 .086*
-4.18 -4.06 -3.44 -4.77 -5.75
Getting Healthy working Environment  during the COVID-19 Pandemic period 11.94a 12.19b 12.67b 8.67b 12.42b 2.279 .065*
-3.81 -3.68 -3.16 -2.39 -3.92
Overall Employees Perceptions 49.11a 52.83ab 50.6ab 42.33b 48.75b 2.222 .071*
-49.11 -52.83 -50.63 -42.33 -48.75

Table 11: ANOVA for significant difference among age group with respect to getting employment and income, health and safety during COVID-19 pandemic period.

Based on Duncan Multiple Rage Test (DMRT) in getting Healthy working Environment during the COVID-19 Pandemic period, the age group of 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, above 45 is significantly differ with age group below 30 at 5% level of significance but there is no significant difference among 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, above 45 age group. In Overall Employees Perceptions about COVID-19 Pandemic period, the age group of below 30 year is significantly differ with age group 41-45, above 45 at 5% level of significance but age the age group of 31-35 and 36-40 is not differ with any other age groups with respect to Overall Employees Perceptions about COVID-19 Pandemic period because the group people are easily amalgam with other group of people [6-8].


The result of this study concluded that the salary and job during COVID-19 pandemic period the companies are given alternative day’s job and salary to the employees. Then the safety matters companies are follow the Government instruction to implement the social distance among employees and work place are keep very conductive. The companies regarding health of employee during the COVID-19 pandemic period they arranged medical camp and healthy working environment. In Puducherry region private companies are worked effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic period but some drawbacks points are given by employee regarding fully salary, regular job, provide safety equipments regularly. Hence it conclude the companies are providing average in level the employment and income, safety and health of employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic period.


• The majority of respondents are Male employee’s i.e. 71.2 percent and very less per cent of female employees i.e. 28.8%.

• The age of respondents are almost equal percent in all category, but meagerly 40 and above 45 is 16.8 per cent.

• The majority of respondents are living urban areas i.e. 84 percent and remaining percent of respondents are staying in rural areas.

• The most of respondents in study are married (64.8 percent) and 35.2 percent are unmarried.

• The majority of married employees (64.8 percent) spouses are working i.e. 71.6 percent and 28.4 percent of employees spouse homemakers.

• The maximum percentage of respondent’s family structure is nuclear (84%), very less percent is joint family (16%).

• The Educational qualification of respondents 53.6 percent are studied upto higher secondary level and 37.6 percent of respondents are studied upto UG level of education. Very Small percentage of respondents is studied upto PG level (8.80%).

• The majority of respondents designation is office management like Accountant, front office work etc. is 56.60 percent and 41.6 percent of respondents are working as labour and meagerly 2.4 percent as a Managers and Heads.

• The majority of respondents working experience is one to ten years is 76 percent and remaining 24 percent are respondents have above 10 year experience.

• The majority of respondent’s monthly income is 75.2 percent are getting less than Rs. 15,000 and important note only 0.8 percent respondents are getting more than Rs. 45,000.

• The majority of respondents given highest mean score (4.08) in the statement of “My company provides alternative days of working during COVID-19 pandemic period with salary”.

• The majority of respondents given highest mean score (2.30) in the statement of “My company provided alternative days employment during COVID-19 pandemic period”.

• The majority of respondents given highest mean score (3.79) in the statement of “My company provide proper place for keeping the social distance during the COVID-19 Pandemic period”.

• The majority of respondents given highest mean score (3.23) in the statement of “Company is arranged medical camp during COVID-19.”

Limitations of the Study

• The study data were collected only top five private company employees in Puducherry region.

• The sample size taken for study is only 125 respondents.

• The study focused on only for only private company employees in Puducherry region.


From the above analysis the researcher has offered the following suggestions:

• The companies should provide full salary during COVID-19 pandemic period.

• The companies should try to provide regular Job during COVID-19 pandemic period.

• The companies should conform the employees are getting safety equipments (Mask, Sanitizer, Hand gloves) in our company.

• The companies ought to implement the Availability of Hygienic toilets and rest rooms for employees.

• The companies must avoid to purposely dismissing the employees in the job during COVID-19 pandemic period.


Author Info

K Karthikeyan*
Department of Commerce, School of Arts and Science, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Citation: Karthikeyan K (2022) The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Employment and Income, Health with Safety of Employees Perceptions: At Puducherry Region Private Limited Companies. Global J Comm Manage Perspect. 11:012.

Received: 20-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. GJCMP-21-002-Preqc-22; Editor assigned: 24-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. GJCMP-21-002-Preqc-22(PQ); Reviewed: 08-Jun-2022, QC No. GJCMP-21-002-Preqc-22; Revised: 15-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. GJCMP-21-002-Preqc-22(R); Published: 22-Jul-2022 , DOI: 10.35248/2319-7285.22.11.012

Copyright: © 2022 Karthikeyan K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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