ISSN: 2155-9570
Abd El-Nasser Awad Mohammad
Research Article
The Use of Superomedial Conjunctival Approach in Drainage of Large Medial Subperiosteal Abscess Secondary to Ethmoiditis in Children: A Simple, Fast and Safe Technique
Author(s): Abd El-Nasser Awad Mohammad and Ahmad Abd El-Nasser MohammadAbd El-Nasser Awad Mohammad and Ahmad Abd El-Nasser Mohammad
Purpose: To evaluate the superomedial conjunctival approach in management of large-sized medial subperiosteal abscess (MSPA) secondary to ethmoiditis in children. Methods: This prospective, non-randomized, clinical intervention case study was conducted at the Orbital Clinic of Assiut University Hospital, the referral center of Upper Egypt in the period between October, 2015 and March, 2018. The study included 9 children with MSPA secondary to ethmoiditis that met the criteria for surgical drainage. In all cases, the MSPA was large (more than 2 cm in its greatest dimension or more than 4 mm in width) and in 3 cases there was relative afferent papillary defect (RAPD). Children with small MSPA without any signs of compressive optic neuropathy that may improve with intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics were excluded. Under general anesthesia and c.. View More»