ISSN: 2167-0420
Adinew YM
Research Article
Male Partners
Author(s): Katiso NA and Adinew YM
Katiso NA and Adinew YM
Background: The involvement of men in the maternal health programs increases utilization of various reproductive health services. However, the failure to incorporate men in maternal health promotion services has had a serious impact on the health of women and children. This study was aimed to assess male partners’ involvement in promoting institutional delivery of spouse and its associated factors among households who have children of age 0-12 months in Lemo woreda, Southern Ethiopia. Method: Community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted among 335 households who have children aged 0-12 months selected by multi-stage sampling. Pretested and structured questionnaire via face-to-face interview technique was used for data collection. Data were entered using EPI info version 3.5.3 statistical software and analyzed using SPSS version 20 statistical package. Descriptive statisti.. View More»