Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Adriaan Honig

Adriaan Honig

St Lucas Andreas Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Department of Psychiatry, VU medical center , Amsterdam, The Netherlands

 Dr Adriaan Honig graduated faculty of Medicine at the University of Utrecht The Netherlands. Hereafter he was trained as a psychiatrist at Guy’s Hospital in London, UK for the period of 3 years which was followed by 1- year training in psychiatry at the University of Utrecht.  Dr Honig’s main clinical interests are co-morbidity of psychiatric and somatic disorder, affective disorders and psychotic phenomena.  Dr Honig received his PhD in 1989 from University of Maastricht. Dr Honig’s clinical activities as well as his research focuses on mind/body interactions. Clinically, specific focus is in the organisation of multi-medical specialist treatment facilities such as a MedPsych Unit. As far as research is concerned special focus is given to biological, psychological, social and psychiatric determinants in the relationship between affective disorders and somatic co-morbidity in particular vascular (cardiac and cerebral) and pathophysiology of so called functional disorders in particular atypical angina pectoris and Irritable Bowl Syndrome.  He has been and currently is a principal investigator of number of clinical studies in the field of psychiatry and co-morbidity, supervised 6 PhD students successfully and is a successful recipient of major national and international research funds.  From 01-09-2009 he's appointed as Professor in Hospital Psychiatry, VUmc, Amsterdam. Present Appointments & Tittles  Consultant Psychiatrist St Lucas Andreas Hospital Amsterdam; Director of C-L Psychiatric Services, St Lucas Andreas Hospital Amsterdam.  Professor Hospital Psychiatry VUmc Amsterdam   Vice chairman of the Board of Consultants (Medisch Staf Bestuur) of St Lucas Andreas Hospital Amsterdam.  Member of Royal College of Psychiatry (UK), of the Dutch Society of Psychiatry, of the  Dutch Society of Family and Relation Therapy, and of the Interdisciplinary Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Research Interest

 Mother Health, Woman Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Woman Mental Health

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