Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research

Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2593-9173

Ahmed Hassanali

  • Research Article
    Bio-Assay Guided Fractionation of Anti-Mosquito Limonoids from Turraea abyssinica and Turraea cornucopia
    Author(s): Joseph Owino, Ahmed Hassanali and Mary Ndung'u Joseph Owino, Ahmed Hassanali and Mary Ndung'u

    Malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, is the most important parasitic disease worldwide. It affects 40% of the global population mostly within the tropical world. Yearly, over one million children under the age of five die in Africa as a result of malaria. The genus Turraea belongs to the family Meliaceae. Meliaceae is characterized by the presence of tetranortriterpenoids (limonoids), a group of compounds that exhibit a wide variety of biological properties including anti-insect, anti-protozoa, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities. In the present study, the root bark of T. abyssinica and T. cornucopia were extracted with methanol and partitioned between water and chloroform. The activity of crude methanol and chloroform extracts was tested against larvae and adults of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae). As larvicides, the methanol extract o.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6202.1000142

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