ISSN: 2155-9570
Aki Kawasaki
Research Article
Prior Light Exposure Enhances the Pupil Response to Subsequent Short Wavelength (Blue) Light
Author(s): Michael Stormly Hansen, Birgit Sander, Aki Kawasaki, Adam Elias Brøndsted, Claus Nissen and Henrik Lund-AndersenMichael Stormly Hansen, Birgit Sander, Aki Kawasaki, Adam Elias Brøndsted, Claus Nissen and Henrik Lund-Andersen
Background and Purpose: The photo pigment melanopsin initiates cell depolarization in response to highintensity, short-wavelength light. Antecedent long-wavelength light may potentiate regeneration of the melanopsin photo pigment, We investigated the influence of red or blue exposure on the pupil response to subsequent blue light. Methods: Nine healthy subjects were examined using chromatic pupillometry. With a sequence of 3 consecutive blue exposures or a sequence in which the middle exposure was red light, both sequences repeated in the darkadapted state. The summed pupil response during light was obtained as the area under the curve and the percentage difference (diff %) between the first and last blue stimulus was calculated for each sequence. Findings: The pupil response to the third blue exp.. View More»