Emergency Medicine: Open Access

Emergency Medicine: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7548

Alessandro Cartei

  • Research Article
    Multidisciplinary Approach to Hip Fracture in the Elderly: Florence Experience
    Author(s): Carlo Rostagno, Alessandro Cartei, Roberto Buzzi, Ferdinando Landi and Gian Franco GensiniCarlo Rostagno, Alessandro Cartei, Roberto Buzzi, Ferdinando Landi and Gian Franco Gensini

    Since September 2011 in Orthopaedic and Trauma Centre of AOU Careggi, Florence, exists a trauma area with 75 beds managed by a team with the key figure of the internal medicine specialist as coordinator of a Multidisciplinary Working Group that will include several specialists such as Anaesthesiologists, Geriatricians, Orthopaedics. Due to the high number of elderly patients, most frequently admitted for hip fracture and often suffering from multiple co-morbidities, the clinical approach is significantly more complex than in patients undergoing elective surgery. To evaluate the effectiveness of this organization model we prospectively followed the hospital course of 297 patients with hip fracture admitted to our hospital course from September 15 2012 to November 15 2012, Results were compared with an historical sample, e.g. 235 consecutive patients admitted between January 1 and March.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-7548.1000148

    Abstract PDF

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