Current Synthetic and Systems Biology

Current Synthetic and Systems Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2332-0737


Angshuman Bagchi

Angshuman Bagchi

Characterization of the Leucine-Responsive Transcription Factor from Pathogenic Vibrio cholerae Using Molecular Modelling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Angshuman Bagchi Characterization of the Leucine-Responsive Transcription Factor from Pathogenic Vibrio cholerae Using Molecular Modelling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations His research interst is ranscriptional Regulation; Molecular Modelling; DNAProtein Docking; Molecular Dynamics Simulations; Protein-DNA interactions and his one of the publication is Characterization of the Leucine-Responsive Transcription Factor from Pathogenic Vibrio cholerae Using Molecular Modelling and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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