Journal of Women's Health Care

Journal of Women's Health Care
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0420

Atade R

Atade R


  • Review Article
    Twin Pregnancy in a Bicornuate Bicervical Uterus Relating to a Case at CHUMEL in Cotonou Benin and Literature Review
    Author(s): Bagnan JT, Obossou AAA, Lokossou MSHS, Atade R, Lokossou A and Perrin RXBagnan JT, Obossou AAA, Lokossou MSHS, Atade R, Lokossou A and Perrin RX

    We report a case of twin pregnancy in a malformed uterus incidentally discovered during an emergency caesarean section relating to a primigravida at CHU-MEL in Cotonou. The patient is a 25-year-old woman referred from a neighbourhood center, without particular antecedents, admitted there because of an acute fetal distress at 38 weeks of amenorrhea +1 day. The objective examination presents two hemi-vaginas and two hemi-cervixes. The Acute fetal distress diagnosis is confirmed. By means of a caesarean section on 10th June 2016, two male twins have been removed by the cephalic pole from a bicornuate bicervical uterus, J2 being mature and weighing 2700 g and J1 the other presenting signs of prematurity and weighing 1200 g. Referred to the neonatal unit, J2 is allowed to leave after 24 hours of hospitalization and J1 after 5 days of hospitalization. Postoperative care has been simple for .. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-0420.1000353

    Abstract PDF

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