Anesthesia & Clinical Research

Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-6148

Atteia Gad Ibrahim

  • Research Article
    Comparative Study between General and Spinal Anaesthesia in Laparoscopic Appendectomy
    Author(s): Ahmed Medhat Ahmed Mokhtar Mehanna and Atteia Gad Ibrahim Ahmed Medhat Ahmed Mokhtar Mehanna and Atteia Gad Ibrahim

    Background: Laparoscopic appendectomy is rapidly increasing in the treatment of acute appendicitis. Spinal anesthesia has some advantages over general anesthesia in providing analgesia and muscle relaxation while avoiding some of the complications of general anesthesia. Methods: This comparative study was conducted on 80 patients undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy. Surgeries were randomized into two groups. Group (G) was done under General Anesthesia (40 patients) and group (S) Subarachnoid block group (40 patients). Results: From 1 min to 12 h post-operative there was significant increase in mean heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure in group G than group S. In group (S) 2.5% was converted to open due to shoulder pain and inappropriate level of anesthesia. The operative time between both groups was insigni.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-6148.1000713

    Abstract PDF

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