ISSN: 2167-1044
Azizi A. Seixas
NYU Langone School of Medicine, Center for Healthful Behavior Change,
227 East 30th St, 6th Floor, New York NY 10016
Research Article
The Mediating Effects of Social Support and Locus of Control on the Relationship between Post-Traumatic Stress and Depressive Symptoms in a Jamaican University Sample
Author(s): Azizi A. Seixas, Caryl James, Girardin Jean-Louis, Mark Butler, Ferdinand Zizi, Alex Gardner
Azizi A. Seixas, Caryl James, Girardin Jean-Louis, Mark Butler, Ferdinand Zizi, Alex Gardner
Background: The increasing rate of comorbid posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms among young adults presents a unique symptom presentation and challenges to treatment. The current study examined psychosocial barriers--external locus of control-- and facilitators-- social support-- in the posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms association.
Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted among 701 Jamaican university participants, ages 18-30 years. Participants completed self-report measures of general demographic information as well as target variables which include the CES-D-10, Sense of control (external and internal locus of control), Short screening scale for DSM-IV posttraumatic stress disorder and social support measures.
Results: Majority of the sample was female (76.2%; n = 534); and s.. View More»