ISSN: 2155-9570
Bonnie Nga Kwan Choy
Room 301 Block B, Cyberport 4
Hong Kong
Case Report
Glaucoma Drainage Device Tube Retraction and Blockage in a Patient with Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome Treated With Nd:YAG Membranectomy
Author(s): Bonnie Nga Kwan Choy, Carol Pui Yang Chien, Jimmy Shiu Ming Lai, Jonathan Cheuk Hung ChanBonnie Nga Kwan Choy, Carol Pui Yang Chien, Jimmy Shiu Ming Lai, Jonathan Cheuk Hung Chan
Purpose: To report on a case that demonstrates the successful treatment of tube blockage of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve at its aqueous entry site by Nd:YAG laser membranectomy. Method: We report a case of refractory intraocular pressure elevation in a patient with iridocorneal endothelial syndrome after glaucoma drainage device due to blocked tube from the iridocorneal endothelial syndrome membrane. In July 2014, our patient presented with sudden right eye elevated intraocular pressure to 67 mmHg despite a well-controlled intraocular pressure in the range of teens with timolol alone over the last 2 years. Gonioscopy showed total synechial angle closure and increasing her medical treatment failed to control the intraocular pressure. Ahmed glaucoma valve was implanted successfully. However, recurrence of raised intraocular pressure from partial tube retraction and tube blockage at its aque.. View More»