ISSN: 2167-0374
Budi Santoso
Research Article
A Model of Marine Security Synergy at Chokepoint Lombok Strait With AHP-SWOT Identification Method
Author(s): Putu Yogi Arsana, Budi Santoso and Made Jiwa AstikaPutu Yogi Arsana, Budi Santoso and Made Jiwa Astika
Lombok Strait is one of the gateway entrance of international shipping line that gets priority maritime security and maritime safety. Also, the Chief of Indonesian Navy wants the Naval Base in Lombok Strait to carry out its duties and functions optimally amid the limited facilities owned. So, it is necessary to study the synergistic between Naval Base, Maritime Stakeholders and Local Government to support Indonesian maritime diplomacy policy. This research was made to create a model of marine security synergy with AHP-SWOT identification method. The results of the assessment to understand the area in the Lombok strait as well as by improving the ability of security facilities at Naval Base. The result of this work also mention about the strategic location factor of strait Lombok becomes determinant to make a policy. Overall of this synergistic strategy proof that the important of the .. View More»