ISSN: 2161-0932
Carol A Major
Case Report
Value of Serial Ultrasounds in Early Diagnosis and Management of Prerupture Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case Report
Author(s): Cau Van Vo, Carol A Major and Kamini Malhotra
Cau Van Vo, Carol A Major and Kamini Malhotra
Background: Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy. Even with the advance of ultrasound techniques and the sonographic establishment of fetal development, most ovarian pregnancies are found ruptured at the time of diagnosis or are a surprise finding at the time of surgery. In these cases, the associated hemorrhage is usually heavy and in approximately 23% of cases, the patients develop hypovolemic shock requiring blood transfusion.
Case: A 30-year-old female patient at 7.4 weeks by a certain LMP presented for prenatal care. An ultrasound at the time of presentation revealed no intrauterine gestational sac. There was however, a simple cystic mass contiguous with the left ovary. Subsequently, the patient had a BhCG level drawn which was not consistent with the ultrasound image and therefore was felt to be abnormal. A pri.. View More»