ISSN: 2150-3508
+44 1478 350008
Carolyn S Bentivegna
Research Article
De Novo Assembly and Analysis of the Testes Transcriptome from the Menhaden, Bervoortia tyrannus
Author(s): Frank J Zadlock IV, Satshil B Rana, Zain A Alvi, Ziping Zhang, Wyatt Murphy and Carolyn S Bentivegna
Frank J Zadlock IV, Satshil B Rana, Zain A Alvi, Ziping Zhang, Wyatt Murphy and Carolyn S Bentivegna
Background: The menhaden, Bervoortia tyrannus, is one of the most important fish within the oceanic ecosystem and a crucial species supporting major fisheries along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. However, little is known about menhaden from a genetic aspect. The objective of this project is to apply high throughput sequencing to the testes of menhaden to provide the genetic tools required to further study their population dynamics
Result: We applied Illumina Next Seq 500 technology to two different testes and used Velvet/Oases to perform the de novo assembly that resulted in the construction of 254,462 contigs. Applying BLASTX to annotate the contigs against the non-redundant protein database resulted in 46.89% matches. To validate the accuracy of the assembly, the reads were mapped back to transcripts (RMBT) with a percentage of 87.83%. To experimentally verify the .. View More»