ISSN: 2155-6148
Chandrakala KR
Research Article
Anesthetic Management and Prevalence of Complications in Pediatric Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopies
Author(s): Deepti Manjunath and Chandrakala KRDeepti Manjunath and Chandrakala KR
Pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy is emerging as a fundamental component of health care for infants and children. Adults tolerate these procedures well with minimal sedation, however, deep sedation or general anesthesia is mandatory in children to successfully perform these procedures. Adverse events, especially respiratory complications, during diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in children are common. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of complications are crucial while performing pediatric endoscopy. Cooperation between pediatrician, pediatric endoscopist and pediatric anesthesiologist should guarantee quality and safety of the procedure and should help in reducing the perioperative respiratory complications along with surgical complications like bleeding and perforation.
Aims: Goals of this study were to assess prevalence of perioperative complicatio.. View More»