ISSN: 2155-6148
Cheong Pei Chin Geraldine
Department of Anesthesia, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital,
90 Yishun Central
Improving Fluid Management in the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery: A Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
Author(s): Cheong Pei Chin Geraldine, Goh Gin Yuen, Chia Hooi Tzing, Ho Chin Swee and Kumaresh VenkatesanCheong Pei Chin Geraldine, Goh Gin Yuen, Chia Hooi Tzing, Ho Chin Swee and Kumaresh Venkatesan
Objective: Judicious fluid management, being an important intervention in Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) for colorectal surgery, emphasizes on zero-balance fluid management. However, this concept can be difficult to translate to practice. In our plan-do-study-act cycle, we aimed to study the perioperative fluid usage and also set out to study its impact on outcomes.
Methods: We performed a retrospective baseline audit on all elective major colorectal surgical patients in 2015, made recommendations for improvement and repeated the audit in 2016. Data were collected from existing electronic medical records and analyzed. The rate of intraoperative fluid given was calculated using amount of fluid adjusted for patient’s weight and duration of surgery. Outcome measures such as length of stay, surgical complications and acute kidney inj.. View More»