ISSN: 2155-6148
Cortese A
Case Report
Difficult Intubation in Patient with Short Thyromental Distance: Usefulness of Tongue Traction Maneuver
Author(s): Cortese A, Pantaleo G, Gargiulo M and Amato MCortese A, Pantaleo G, Gargiulo M and Amato M
Introduction: Short Thyromental Distance (TMD; <5 cm) has been correlated with difficult direct intubation in adult patients. Differences in patient characteristics may influence the incidence of difficult airway intubation, especially in patients with a reduced mandible dimension. We report a case affected by Goldenhar’s syndrome treated for mandibular hypoplasia with difficulties in intubation. Methods: A 25 years old caucasian woman was referred to the Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Salerno, with bilateral Goldenhar’s syndrome, planned for a sandwich osteotomy as “chin-wing” mentoplasty following Triaca technique with the aid of the tongue traction maneuver in combination with fibroscopy at intubation time. Following Mallampati classification anesthesiologists, before surgery, classified the airways as easy or difficult according to sp.. View More»