Family Medicine & Medical Science Research

Family Medicine & Medical Science Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2327-4972


Dan Pope

Dan Pope

United Kingdom

  • Research Article
    Assessing the Utilization of Needle-Stick Injury Protocols by General Practices in Liverpool
    Author(s): Christian Ifediora and Dan Pope Christian Ifediora and Dan Pope

    Background: Needle-Stick Injuries (NSIs) incur huge financial, emotional, social and economic costs, and therefore constitute a serious global burden of disease. Protocols to manage NSIs at the primary care level are in place to ensure both staff and the public are well protected. Aim: This study aims to assess the utilization of NSI Protocols by General Practices in Liverpool, with respect to the North-West of England regional guidelines. Design and Setting: This is a cross-sectional survey, focusing on 77 general practices in Liverpool, North-west of England. Methods: Self-administered, pre-piloted questionnaires were distributed by post, email, and personal delivery to Practice Managers in the GP Surgeries. Completed forms were analyzed. Results: The study achieved an 82% response rate (63 responses out .. View More»

    Abstract PDF

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