Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access

Clinical Pediatrics: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2572-0775

+44 1223 790975

Dana Kaplan

Dana Kaplan

United States

  • Case Report
    19-Month-Old Male Presenting with Near Strangulation by Human Hair
    Author(s): Aanchal Sharma and Dana KaplanAanchal Sharma and Dana Kaplan

    Hair tourniquet syndrome is a well-documented phenomenon in which hair can become tightly wrapped around an appendage resulting in ischemic injury and necrosis. When a hair tourniquet involves the neck as the appendage, fatality can result due to asphyxia, specifically strangulation. We present a case of accidental strangulation via hair tourniquet in a toddler who was found co-sleeping with his sister. A nineteen-month-old male was brought into the emergency department via ambulance after an episode of apnea and cyanosis. On the night of admission, his parents awoke after they heard the patients sister screaming. The parents ran into the bedroom, where the patient and his five-year-old sister were co-sleeping, to find the patient cyanotic with loss of consciousness. EMS was called and patient regained consciousness without intervention by EMS. Vital signs were stable upon p.. View More»

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