ISSN: 2168-9857
Daniel López-Acon
Research Article
“Comparison of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy versus Ureteroscopy Holmium Laser Lithotripsy in the Management of Ureteral Stones: A Costeffectiveness Analysis”
Author(s): Alberto Budia, Vicent Caballer, David Vivas, Daniel López-Acon, Maria Angeles, Jose Antonio Díez, Pilar Bahilo and Marta TrassierraAlberto Budia, Vicent Caballer, David Vivas, Daniel López-Acon, Maria Angeles, Jose Antonio Díez, Pilar Bahilo and Marta Trassierra
Objective: To determine the better cost-effective treatment strategy for ureteral stones in a health district of Eastern Spain. Methods: A total of 180 patients were treated between June 2012 and December 2013 for ureteral stones using two different strategies (SWL as initial treatment and URS as rescue technique vs URS and laser lithotripsy (up to 2 procedures). We performed an economic evaluation through a cost effectiveness analysis comparing costs and outcome. We performed a differentiating model in patients with lithiasis less than 1 cm or equal to or larger than 1 cm. The effectiveness parameter was the stone free rate (SFR), defined as the absence of lithiasis fragments or the presence of clinically insignificant residual fragments (CIRFs) - less than 3 mm at the 3 month follow up. A decision tree was developed and a Monte Carlo simulation was performed to establish uncertainty.. View More»