ISSN: 2375-4397
Deshmukh AP
Research Article
Selection of an Optimal Air Pollution Management System for Commercially Operated Spray Driers located in an Industrial Estate
Author(s): Deshmukh AP and Srinivasarao MDeshmukh AP and Srinivasarao M
Industrial air pollution is of serious concern in developing countries like India due to inferior ambient air quality. Among various states Gujarat is major hub/contributor for the production of dye and dye-intermediate industries. Most of them are using spray driers leading to emission of pollutant air containing various dye particles. These dye particles are causing health problems along with problems related to aesthetics in the nearby residential areas. In the present work we propose a mathematical model for optimal selection of air pollution control equipment. The model is capable to consider multiple pollutants, multiple emission sources and multiple control equipment. Constraints like budget, efficiency of control equipment and regulatory norms are included in the model. We have monitored seventy five commercially operated process plants located in the Vatva industrial estate i.. View More»