ISSN: 2329-9029
+44 1478 350008
DeWei Yang
Rice Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fujian High Quality Rice Research& Development Center,
Fuzhou 350019
Research Article
Fine Mapping of a Retarded-Palea2 (REP2) Gene on Chromosome 9 in Rice
Author(s): DeWei Yang, XiangHua Zheng, XinFu Ye, LiBin Lu, ChaoPing Cheng, Ning Ye and FengHuang Huang
DeWei Yang, XiangHua Zheng, XinFu Ye, LiBin Lu, ChaoPing Cheng, Ning Ye and FengHuang Huang
Floral organ development influences plant reproduction and crop yield. However, mechanisms underlying the development of floral organs in specific group of species like grasses remain unclear. To understand how palea was formed, we identified a retarded-palea2 (rep2) mutant, which showed that the palea was degenerate, and the lemma was crooked and just like sickle shaped. Genetic analysis confirmed that the rep2 mutant phenotype was due to a single recessive gene mutation. F2 population derived from the rep2 mutant crossed with Oryza sative subsp. Japonica Taigeng16, was used for molecular mapping of the REP2 gene. Using simple sequence repeats (SSR) and insertion-deletion (Indel) markers, the REP2 gene was fine mapped into a 12.9 kb physical distance on chromosome 9, where two open reading frames were predicted. Sequence analysis indicated that a 10-bp-deletion was f.. View More»