ISSN: 2157-7609
Diane Hindman
Case Report
Use of Diethylone, a New Psychoactive Substance, Associated with Multi-system Toxicity: A Case Report of Two Patients
Author(s): Adam C. Pomerleau, Diane Hindman, Aaron Ralston, Tharwat El Zahran, Alexandra King and Roy Gerona
Adam C. Pomerleau, Diane Hindman, Aaron Ralston, Tharwat El Zahran, Alexandra King and Roy Gerona
Introduction: New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) is a term used to describe synthetic products that may also be referred to as “designer drugs”, “research chemicals”, or “internet drugs”. As new NPS continue to emerge, drug users are exposing themselves to new chemicals with unknown effects.
Case report: We report the cases of two patients who reportedly used “Molly” and developed multi-system toxicity requiring Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission for several days. Both patients presented with altered mental status and during their hospital course manifested neuromuscular hyperactivity and hemodynamic lability. Both patients also had neuropsychiatric symptoms lasting for days after the critical phase of their hospital course. Laboratory investigation using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-f.. View More»