ISSN: 2167-0870
Doyore F
Research Article
Health Seeking Behavior for HIV/AIDS among Public College Community,
Ethiopia; A Qualitative Study Using Behavioral Models
Author(s): Doyore F, Chafo K and Moges B
Doyore F, Chafo K and Moges B
Background: Producing quality data for decision at all levels of the health communication is a global imperative. Following that, recently, many organizations are evaluating various prevention communications; however, adequate data has not been obtained. This study is aimed to explore factors that have impact on health seeking behavior for HIV/AIDS among public college community. Methods: Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted from March 1-30, 2012 with students, teachers and HIV mainstreaming heads in the three colleges of Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia. Data was captured using voice recorders, and field notes were transcribed verbatim from the local language into English. Key constructs and thematic frameworks were developed using the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) and health belief model (HBM), and presented in narratives using the respondents own words. Resu.. View More»