Fungal Genomics & Biology

Fungal Genomics & Biology
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-8056

F Ferreiro A

F Ferreiro A


  • Research Article
    Current use of Antifungal Eye Drops and How to Improve Therapeutic Aspects in Keratomycosis
    Author(s): Anxo Fernandez-Ferreiro, Miguel González-Barcia, Gil Martínez M, Blanco Méndez J, FJ Otero-Espinar, F Ferreiro A, Victoria Díaz Tome and MJ Lamas Anxo Fernandez-Ferreiro, Miguel González-Barcia, Gil Martínez M, Blanco Méndez J, FJ Otero-Espinar, F Ferreiro A, Victoria Díaz Tome and MJ Lamas

    Background: Fungal keratitis is a disease that has a low prevalence and poor outcome because of its minimal therapeutic spectrum. Objective: The purpose of the current study is to provide an overview of the use of antifungal topical eye drops in a third level hospital and to highlight possible improvements that can optimize their therapeutic use. Methods: Fungal keratitis cases treated in the Ophthalmology Department of a Tertiary hospital were reviewed in a four-year retrospective study. Results: For four years, 24 patients received an antifungal eye drop treatment for fungal keratitis: 20% were treated with topical fluconazole and 80% were treated with topical voriconazole (79% in monotherapy and 21% in conjunction with topical natamycin). In most cases, fungal growth was been detected and susce.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2165-8056.1000130

    Abstract PDF

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