ISSN: 2167-0412
+44 1300 500008
Fahmy NM
Review Article
Genus Terminalia: A phytochemical and Biological Review
Author(s): Fahmy NM, Al-Sayed E and Singab ANFahmy NM, Al-Sayed E and Singab AN
Context: Terminalia is the second largest genus of family Combretaceae. The plants of this genus were used in traditional folk medicine worldwide.
Objectives: This review is a comprehensive literature survey of different Terminalia species regarding their biological activities and their isolated phytochemicals. The aim of this review is to attract the attention to unexplored potential of natural products obtained from Terminalia species, thereby contributing to the development of new therapeutic alternatives that may improve the health of people suffering from various health problems.
Materials and methods: All the available information on genus Terminalia was compiled from electronic databases such as Medline, Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, SCOPUS, Chemical Abstract Search and Springer Link.
Results: Phytochemical research has led to the isolation of d.. View More»