ISSN: 1920-4159
+44 1300 500008
Farzana Manzoor
Research Article
Biological Evaluation of Native and Exotic Plants of Bangladesh
Author(s): Samin Huq, Mohammad Shawkat Ali, Ridwan Islam, Farzana Manzoor and Imon Rahman
Samin Huq, Mohammad Shawkat Ali, Ridwan Islam, Farzana Manzoor and Imon Rahman
The study was designed to determine the phytochemical constituents and to evaluate several biological activities of crude methanol extracts of a native plant, Murdannia nudiflora, an exotic plant, Tradescantia pallida, and a common spice, Piper nigrum, as well as their organic soluble fractions. Preliminary phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of several secondary metabolites.The petroleum ether extract of P. nigrum exhibited the highest degree of cytotoxicity (LC50=3.524 μg/ml) whereas that of M. nudiflora and T. pallida were quite low. Antioxidant studies of the plant extracts yielded prominent results where the free radical scavenging potential of M. Nudiflora and T. Pallida were found to be 95.76 ± 1.34 mg/100g and 97.15 ± 0.96mg/100g of AAE, respectively, whereas, IC50 values of M. nudiflora and T. pallida were 1.51x10-10μg/ml and 4.209x10-13μg/ml.. View More»