Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-0269

+44 1300 500008

Fei Fei Lin

  • Research Article
    Do Single and Married Females Have the Same Standard of Work–Family Balance? Case Study of Frontline Employees in Macau
    Author(s): Grace Chan Suk Ha, Yun Kit Ip, Fei Fei Lin and Hong Zhi ZhuoGrace Chan Suk Ha, Yun Kit Ip, Fei Fei Lin and Hong Zhi Zhuo

    A high-quality work–family balance (WFB) can enhance job satisfaction and superior task performance, as well as reduce absenteeism and turnover rate, thereby enabling organisations to improve the effectiveness and commitment of their employees. This research investigates the features of quality WFB for female employees in a casino hotel in Macau. Many female employees continue to face the double burden of their careers and families. Long working hours, shift duties, demanding customers and stressful environment have become neglected phenomena in the casino business and could lead to an unbalanced WFB. Female employees experience disappointments and frustrations when work prevents them from providing care to their families. Previous studies have determined that male employees have better WFB than female employees. In particular, male employees know how to deal with their emotions.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2167-0269.1000356

    Abstract PDF

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