ISSN: 2167-1044
Research Article
Risk of Suicide in Adolescents with Symptoms of Eating Disorders and Depression
Author(s): Juliana Lourenço-De Araújo Veras, Rosana Christine Cavalcanti Ximenes, Flávia Maria Nassar De Vasconcelos and Everton Botelho Sougey
Juliana Lourenço-De Araújo Veras, Rosana Christine Cavalcanti Ximenes, Flávia Maria Nassar De Vasconcelos and Everton Botelho Sougey
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the risk of suicide in adolescents with symptoms of eating disorders and depression.
Methods: A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted with 1379 students of public schools aged 10 to 17 years. The following evaluation tools were employed: A socio-demographic questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh (BITE), Children’s depression inventory (CDI) and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I. – Brazilian version 5.0.0). Data analysis involved one-dimensional and two-dimensional tables with absolute and relative frequencies as well as the calculation of odds ratios (OR) and respective 95% confidence intervals associated with the levels described using Pearson’s chi-square test. In the multivaria.. View More»