ISSN: 2167-0420
Francis Ndowa
Research Article
Preventing Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV within HIV Proposals Funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Author(s): Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan, Rhea Bright, Francis Ndowa and Susana Salgado PiresManjula Lusti-Narasimhan, Rhea Bright, Francis Ndowa and Susana Salgado Pires
Objectives: To analyse interventions for the prevention of mother-to-child-transmission of HIV (PMTCT) included in HIV proposals approved for funding by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund)
Methods: The global strategy for PMTCT outlines four main components. Individual approved HIV proposals submitted to the Global Fund were analysed for these componen
Results: In total, 345 original HIV proposals approved for funding from Rounds 1 to 9 were reviewed. The four components of the global PMTCT strategy do not feature equally. In particular, prevention of unintended pregnancies in HIV infected women (component 2) was the least represented, appearing in 34% of the proposals. On the other hand, preventing HIV transmission from a woman living with HIV to her infant (component 3) was pre.. View More»