ISSN: 2167-0420
Gail Webber
Bruyere Research Institute, Lancaster Medical Clinic,
Clinic, 2450 Lancaster, Rd. Units 11 and 12, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1B 5N3
Research Article
“Please Do Not Forget Us” - Views of Women, Nurses, and Traditional
Birth Attendants on Community Distribution of Medications to Prevent
Postpartum Hemorrhage and Sepsis: A Qualitative Pilot Study in Rural
Author(s): Gail Webber and Bwire Chirangi
Gail Webber and Bwire Chirangi
Background: Postpartum hemorrhage and sepsis are the most common causes of death for women in childbirth globally. In rural Tanzania where about one woman dies every hour from childbirth, over sixty percent of women deliveroutside of health care institutions and therefore lack access to medications to prevent bleeding and infection. In thisstudy, women delivering in rural Rorya District in northern Tanzania were provided with 600 micrograms of misoprostoland 500 mg of erythromycin to take immediately after delivery to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and sepsis. Thepurpose of the study was to assess the feasibility of distributing these medications. Methods: Selected women, dispensary nurses and traditional birth attendants who were involved in deliveries where the two study medications were taken were interviewed by research assistants in the local language of Kiswahiliabout their views.. View More»