ISSN: 2593-9173
Ganeshamurthy AN
Review Article
Biosafety of Novel Bioinoculants
Author(s): Selvakumar G, Panneerselvam P and Ganeshamurthy AN
Selvakumar G, Panneerselvam P and Ganeshamurthy AN
With rapid advances in microbial discovery and inoculant technology, the realm of microbial inoculants has seen a significant shift from the conventional range of microbes viz., Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, etc. to include a wide range of bacterial and fungal genera that colonize the rhizosphere and promote plant growth in a myriad fashion. Such microbial strains with beneficial traits have been included under the umbrella terminologies of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizofungi (PGRF). While this is definitely a welcome step, it brings along with it a host of pertinent questions, of which the biosafety of the microbial strains used for inoculant formulation is of paramount importance. This rationalization becomes imperative in the present scenario, where the etiology and pathogenesis of several hitherto unknown or lesser known bacter.. View More»