ISSN: 2736-6588
Genaro Reyes Ríos
Research Article
Clinical Association of Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Anti-NuMA1 and Anti-NuMA2 (Anti-HsEg5) in Patients with Autoimmune and Cardiovascular Disease
Author(s): Maria Elena Soto, Nidia Hernández Becerril, Genaro Reyes Ríos, Claudia Chiney, Mario Navarro, Verónica Guarner-Lans and Carlos Núñez ÁlvarezMaria Elena Soto, Nidia Hernández Becerril, Genaro Reyes Ríos, Claudia Chiney, Mario Navarro, Verónica Guarner-Lans and Carlos Núñez Álvarez
Introduction: The prevalence of anti-NuMA1 and anti-NuMA2 antibodies in autoimmune, hepatic, infectious and renal inflammatory diseases is well known; however, its presence and possible relevance in cardiovascular diseases still needs to be elucidated. Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of positive anti-NuMA1 and anti-NuMA2 antibody patterns in subjects with autoimmune, non-autoimmune and/or cardiac diseases. Material and methods: This was an observational study run from January 2010 to January 2018. Individuals whose treating physician requested an antibody study and we detected anti NuMA1 and anti NuMA2 pattern in any patients. The files from these patients were reviewed to obtain general data, signs, symptoms, time of evolution of the disease, determination of specific antibodies and the established diagnoses. Results: From a total of 7163 patient files 46 had NuMA1 pattern and out of.. View More»