ISSN: 2329-8790
+44 1478 350008
George O Orinda
Research Article
In Vivo Antianaemic Effect and Safety of Aqueous Extracts of Erythrina abyssinica and Zanthoxylum usambarensis in Mice Models
Author(s): Musyoka TM, Dorothy NW, Wycliffe AM, Juma KK, Nzioka MD, et al.
Musyoka TM, Dorothy NW, Wycliffe AM, Juma KK, Nzioka MD, et al.
This study was carried out to determine the hematinic effects and long term safety of Zanthoxylum usambarensis and Erythrina abyssinica in mice. Aqueous stem extracts of Z. usambarensis and E. abyssinica were screened for their haematinic activity in Phenylhydrazine induced anemic mice using the oral route. Hematological parameters were analysed as indices of anemia. The safety of these plant extracts was studied by orally administering 1 g/kg body weight of aqueous extracts daily in mice for thirty days and determining changes in body and organ weight, hematological and biochemical parameters. The mineral content of the extracts was estimated using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence system (TRXF) while phytochemicals were assessed using standard procedures. Phenylhydrazine (PHZ) treatment induced macrocytic anemia. Administration of Z. usambarensis and E. abyssinica extracts at 100 mg/.. View More»