ISSN: 2155-9899
Gerald Schlaf
Tissue Typing Laboratory (GHATT), University Hospital Halle/Saale,
Magdeburger Strasse 16, 06112 Halle
Research Article
Detection of Post-Transplant Anti-HLA Donor-Specific Antibodies through the Use of Stored Donors Cell Lysates and Solid Phase-Based Cross-Matching
Author(s): Gerald Schlaf, Ina Pistorius and Wolfgang AltermannGerald Schlaf, Ina Pistorius and Wolfgang Altermann
Transplant recipients who have sensitizing events such as pregnancies, blood transfusions and previous transplants often develop antibodies directed against human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-molecules of the donors’ organs. These pre-formed donor-specific antibodies (DSA) represent a high risk of organ failure as a consequence of antibody-mediated hyper-acute or acute allograft rejection. In order to select recipients without donor-specific anti- HLA antibodies the complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch assay (CDC-CM) was established as standard procedure more than forty years ago. This assay, however, is characterized by several drawbacks such as a high degree of vitality (at least 90%) required for the target lymphocytes of a given donor. This requirement highly limits its applicability for patients treated with therapeutic antibodies, special drugs or patients who suffer fr.. View More»