ISSN: 2329-888X
+44 1300 500008
Getachew Tuli
Research Article
Sero-Prevalence Study of Bovine Brucellosis and its Associated Risk Factors in Debrebirhan and Ambo Towns
Author(s): Liya Bashitu, Berihun Afera, Getachew Tuli and Fasil Aklilu
Liya Bashitu, Berihun Afera, Getachew Tuli and Fasil Aklilu
A cross-sectional sero-prevalence study using random sampling was conducted from November 2013 to May 2014 in the selected district of west Shewa zone of Oromia region (Ambo) and semen Showa zone of Amhara region (Debrebirhan) to determine seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis and assess the potential risk factors. In this study, a total of 415 animals aged from 6 month and above were screened for brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal plate test and positive sera were confirmed by complement fixation test. Four sera samples out of the 415 (0.7%) reacted positively for RBPT and one of them reacted positively for CFT (0.2%). In the current finding, the prevalence in male and female and age were not significantly associated with brucellosis sero-prevalence (p>0.05) but there is significant association of sero-postivity of bovine brucellosis with history of abortion (P<0.05). In conc.. View More»