ISSN: 2155-9554
+44 1478 350008
Giovanni Federici
Research Article
Purified Omental Lipids (P.O.L) in the Treatment of Skin Dryness in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects with or without Vascular or Neurological Complications: A Prospective, Controlled, Assessor-Blinded Trial
Author(s): Massimo Milani, Adalberto Federici and Giovanni FedericiMassimo Milani, Adalberto Federici and Giovanni Federici
Background: Skin dryness is commonly observed in diabetic patients. Purified Omental lipids (POL) are considered an effective emollient and hydrating topical product in subjects at risk of skin fissuring and damage. In addition, topical POL could express a wound-healing and skin regenerative effect.Aim: We evaluated the efficacy of topical 25% concentrated POL product (P.O.L. cream; Difa Cooper, Italy) (POL-C) in Type 2 diabetic patients with (YES-C) or without (NO-C) vascular or neurological complications in comparison with non-treated healthy volunteers. Presence of vascular or neurological ulcers was an exclusion criterion.Methods: We assessed the efficacy of POL-C on skin hydration and skin integrity in a prospective, evaluatorblinded controlled study in 30 type II diabetic patients (YES-C: n=15) (NO-C: n=15), aged 40&.. View More»