ISSN: 2329-888X
+44 1300 500008
G/medhin G/silassie
Review on the Nutritive Value of Some Selected Acacia Species for Livestock Production in Dryland Areas
Author(s): Kefyalew Gebeyew, Kibru Beriso, Abdo Mohamed, G/medhin G/silassie, Solomon Melaku and Aniteneh Worku
Kefyalew Gebeyew, Kibru Beriso, Abdo Mohamed, G/medhin G/silassie, Solomon Melaku and Aniteneh Worku
Nutrition is one of the major constraints to cattle production in the tropics, particularly the lack of protein during the dry season. This review aimed to review the characteristics and nutritional value of some selected Acacia species for livestock production in dry land areas. Most browse species investigated showed relatively high fodder value due to high level of crude protein, metabolisable energy, Ca, Mg and K. Acacia, a genus of indigenous woody legumes occupy a dominant position in plant communities in semi-arid and arid areas of tropical and subtropical countries. Acacia has the ability to rapidly absorb nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and incorporate them into biomass after fire, enabling it to act as a pioneer species. Because of the ability of Acacia to fix nitrogen, its nutritive value might be expected to be higher than that of non-leguminous browse species. Although .. View More»