ISSN: 2472-1077
Grace A Masters
Research Article
Factors Associated with Costs of Hospitalization of Severely Mentally Ill Patients
Author(s): Martina Curto, Grace A Masters, Paolo Girardi, Ross J Baldessarini and Franca Centorrino
Martina Curto, Grace A Masters, Paolo Girardi, Ross J Baldessarini and Franca Centorrino
Background: Efforts to contain costs associated with general medical care include particular efforts for psychiatric disorders. Hospitalization represents the largest component of costs for psychiatric care and there is growing interest in balancing clinical needs against limiting costs of inpatient psychiatric care of patients with severe mental illnesses. This study aimed to evaluate clinical factors associated with actual costs of inpatient psychiatric care.
Method: We evaluated a cohort of 589 hospitalized psychiatric patients with severe mental illnesses at a nonprofit, university-affiliated psychiatric hospital for factors associated with annualized total costs of inpatient care over a three-year period, using bivariate and multivariate analyses.
Results: As expected, days-hospitalized was the major determina.. View More»