Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9899

Haider M Al Attia

Haider M Al Attia
Department in Internal Medicine & Rheumatology Hospital,
Abu Dhabi
Central America

  • Case Report
    Lupus Profundus as an Initial Manifestation of a Late Indolent SLE
    Author(s): Haider M Al AttiaHaider M Al Attia

    After 11 years from the onset of developing lupus profundus the patient described here began to intermittently express hematological and serological features of SLE yet failed to reach the minimally required four criteria for the classification of the systemic disease. Lupus profundus in this case was the initial manifestation of a late but indolent SLE. Regardless whether the patient eventually will develop the complete form of lupus or not, the case stresses on the importance of the constant and regular follow up of patients with isolated skin lesions as they may turn into a wider form of lupus even after lengthy period of time... View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2155-9899.1000572

    Abstract PDF

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