ISSN: 2155-6148
Hailay Siyum
Research Article
Trend of Malnutrition in Tigray Region from 2011/12-2014/15
Author(s): Hadgu Gerensea, Tesfay Berhe and Hailay Siyum
Hadgu Gerensea, Tesfay Berhe and Hailay Siyum
Background: Malnutrition commonly affects all groups in a community, but infants and young children are the most vulnerable because of their high nutritional requirements for growth and development. Every minute, four children in our world die of and 90% of them live in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Of those children that survive, one in four are stunted, their physical and mental growth permanently damaged by the lack of nutritious food.
Objective: To assess the trend of malnutrition in Tigray Region from 2011/12-2014/15.
Method: The main aim of this study was to assess four year trends of malnutrition morbidity and mortality in Tigray region using cross-sectional study design from patients’ registration and health management information syatem data. The data was interred and coded to Epi Info and expor.. View More»