ISSN: 2155-6148
Hani I. Taman
Department of Anesthesiology, ,
Research Article
Fiberoptic Evaluation of Oro-Tracheal Distal End Migration during Video-Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Author(s): Hani I. TamanHani I. Taman
Background: After intubation, tracheal tube position requires special precaution especially during patients positioning, as migration of orotracheal tube may result in endobronchial intubation. This problem increases in video assisted laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Although following guidelines for optimal confirmation of ETT position appears simple to practice, at certain circumstances it becomes confusing. Meanwhile fiber-optic bronchoscopy represents a proper method for confirmation of endobronchial tip position. The primary goal of this study was to detect and measure the changes in the position of distal end of endotracheal tube after abdominal gas insufflation during laparoscopic bariatric surgery. The secondary goal is to find a warning sign that may help in prediction of tubal end migration.
Methods: 70 patients were included in this .. View More»