ISSN: 2167-0420
Haregwein Yirga
Research Article
Timing of First Antenatal Care Visit and associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Anatal Clinics in Halaba Kulito Governmental Health Institutions, 2015
Author(s): Mekdes Kondale, Tarekegn Tumebo, Teklemariam Gultie, Tariku Megersa, Haregwein Yirga, Anteneh Azimarew and Beruk Getahun
Mekdes Kondale, Tarekegn Tumebo, Teklemariam Gultie, Tariku Megersa, Haregwein Yirga, Anteneh Azimarew and Beruk Getahun
Introduction: Pregnancy is a very important event from both social and medical points of view. Therefore, pregnant women should receive special care and attention from the family, community and from the health care system. Antenatal care is a key entry point for pregnant women to receive a broad range of health promotion and preventive health services. Thus, the objective was to assess timing of first antenatal care visit and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care in Halaba Kulito Town governmental health institutions, Halaba Special districts.
Methods and materials: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from March 18-April 16, 2015. Systematic sampling technique was employed to select the study subjects. A total of 249 women were participated in the study. Data were collected usin.. View More»