ISSN: 2381-8719
+44 1478 350008
Heiko Balzter
United Kingdom
Research Article
Land Surface Temperature and Scaling Factors for Different SatellitesDatasets
Author(s): Mukesh Singh Boori, Heiko Balzter, Komal Choudhary, Vit Vozenílek
Mukesh Singh Boori, Heiko Balzter, Komal Choudhary, Vit Vozenílek
Land surface parameters are highly integrated and have a direct effect on water and energy balance and weather predictions. Due to the difficulties in correcting the influences of the atmosphere absorbability and the earth surface emissivity diversification, the retrieval of land surface temperature (LST) from satellite data is a challenging task. To retrieve microwave land emissivity, infrared surface skin temperatures have been used as surface physical temperature. However, passive microwave emissions originate from deeper layers with respect to the skin temperature. So, this inconsistency in sensitivity depths between skin temperatures and microwave temperatures may introduce a discrepancy in the determined emissivity. In this research, six sample sites were chosen on the earth for 2013 and 2014 and then land surface temperature from AMSR-2, Landsat and ASTER brightness temperature.. View More»