ISSN: 2167-7700
Hideaki Ogata
Toho University School of Medicine,
6-11-1 Omorinishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-8541
Brief Report
Antiangiogenic Therapy Combined with Chemotherapy Including Platinum Agents as a Therapeutic Option for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Author(s): Hideaki Ogata, Makoto Sumazaki and Fumi SaitoHideaki Ogata, Makoto Sumazaki and Fumi Saito
Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive histological subtype with limited treatment options. Whilerationally-derived regimens are emerging from the results of recent gene profiling studies, TNBC is an angiogenesis-dependent malignancy, and antiangiogenic therapies have been examined energetically in this field. Antiangiogenicagents in combination with chemotherapeutic platinum compounds have shown some benefit in recent randomizedcontrol studies for the treatment of TNBC. These combinations could be more safe and efficacious in patients, whenpharmacotherapy schedule is modified taking into account its tolerability ... View More»