ISSN: 2327-4972
Higham J
New Zealand
Research Article
The Informal Caregiver: A Qualitative Assessment of Needs and Requirements
Author(s): Schultz H, Higham J and Michael Schultz
Schultz H, Higham J and Michael Schultz
Background: The centralisation of many medical services to hospitals in larger centres, as well as the cost consciousness of patients and medical insurers alike, has led to an increased necessity to travel nationally to seek medical treatment. This phenomenon is observed in New Zealand and world-wide. This is not unlike international medical tourism but research into the needs and requirements of the informal caregiver, accompanying the patient, has been neglected.
Methods: Informal caregivers (IC), accompanying a patient for 2 or more days to receive medical treatment were recruited from private and public medical service providers in Dunedin, New Zealand. A semi-structured interview producing in-depth information to profile the visitor demographics and to explore the nature of their visit and their experiences was constructed. The qualitat.. View More»