ISSN: 2168-9857
Ibrahim Kandil M
Short Communication
Body Excreta Control and Incontinence
Author(s): Abdel Karim El Hemaly M, Laila Mousa A, Mervat Ibrahim, Ibrahim Kandil M, Muhammad Reda Morad and Fatma El Sokary
Abdel Karim El Hemaly M, Laila Mousa A, Mervat Ibrahim, Ibrahim Kandil M, Muhammad Reda Morad and Fatma El Sokary
Introduction: Body excreta (urine, feces and flatus) are expelled through the urethra in front and the anal canal posterior. Both the urethra and the anal canal are derived embryological from the cloaca and have the same neurovascular bundle, thoraco-lumbar sympathetic nerves (T10-L2) through the inferior hypogastric nerve plexus as exciter, and sacral sensory nerves (S 2, 3 &4). Everybody organ has a strong collagen chassis, this include the internal urethral sphincter (IUS) and the internal anal sphincter (IAS). Toilet training in early childhood leads to acquiring and keeping high sympathetic tone at the IUS and the IAS causing their contraction and the urethra and the anal canal are kept empty and closed all the time until there is a need/or a desire to expel at proper social circumstances.
Clinical Study: Function of the IUS is proved .. View More»